Truck Tautliner Repairs

What happens to truck curtains after weeks on the road?


Vandalism & Misadventure

General Wear and tear . . .

Tautliner Repairs & Curtain Damage

It’s a fact. Truck curtains get damaged and worn. At IFix truck curtains, we manufacture and repair tautliner curtains, using the latest PVC, rollers and straps.

People vandalise or slash tautliner curtains just to see what’s inside. Thankfully, that’s rare. But if it happens, we’re here.

beautiful custom truck curtain replacement or repair

Ripped or Torn Side Curtains

Truckies side-swipe poles, bridges and building supports to get into small spaces. Low-hanging branches, broken fences and anything you might pass on can tear PVC truck side curtains.

If your curtain rollers or straps are damaged or worn this can add extra pressure to the curtain when pulling it taut. A PVC truck curtain tears from the top down.

custom made truck curtains on factory floor

The boys working hard on a Friday 🙂

If a truck curtain is ripped, we heat weld the curtain back together then patch over the top with PVC 900 GSM patches (same material as the curtain itself). The repair will be stronger than the original curtain.

Colour-matching Tautliner Curtains

PVC patches are colour-matched to the side curtain (except those painted or digitally printed truck curtains). If the latter is the case, we will go to nearest colour.

We do truck curtain repairs on the inside as this is neater and more discrete.

More about truck curtain repairs